Apr 21, 2014

Morning beverage

Good morning! I´m having coffee with orange juice today. Lately, this has been my favorite beverage in the morning. Something with the fresh juice and the strong coffee is perfect for me when I want to wake up and feel less tired. I´m always very tired in the mornings. But I constantly wish that I would be one of those people who wake up right when the alarm clock rings and jumps out of bed. One of those who wakes up before everyone else is awake and makes coffee all alone and have hours left before the day starts. It sounds so romantic and peaceful! I´m always so dizzy in the morning and I need time to wake up. The only times when I´m waking up fast is when I know that I need to do something very important that I can´t miss, like an interview or an important meeting. When I´m nervous about something the next day I sleep quite bad and I actually like that. I´m always sleeping so heavy that I feel knocked out when I wake up, and sleeping light can actually feel good compared to that. I wonder if it´s possible to actually change and turn into a morning person? I´ve been trying for long and I´m still trying!

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