Oct 3, 2015

The importance of improvising

When I edit, I try to challenge myself. When I shot this picture I had a different editing in mind, but when I started editing my vision didn´t suit the actual image. In my mind I had pictured a blue and green image, but these colors didn´t look good to me when I tried them. So instead I made the whole image warm and yellowish, and I changed the color of my dress to green instead of blue.

My advice for when you´re editing is that you let the image "speak" for itself. Maybe you had a vision in mind, but it´s important to be open to change while editing. For me, the image often turns out different than I had planned. I believe that it´s important to be open minded in the creative process, both when you´re shooting out on the field and when you´re inside, editing. So many exciting things can happen in the process, and you don´t want to miss that! I often go out with a plan when I shoot. I start with photographing the planned image. But then I also improvise, both with positioning and different angles. Sometimes the best comes out of the improvised images, and sometimes the best comes out of the first, strictly planned image. You never know!

 If I could talk to trees

Unedited image.


  1. I'm totally agree with you, Beata. And that already happened with me, so many times! Indeed, it's important to let the picture speak by itself. And this image knew how to speak with you. :) xoxo

  2. Yes, it´s so good to feel where the image wants to take you, and to trust that intuition :)
